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Philemon Study: Onesimus and You - From Slavery to Sonship
Bible study on the book of Philemon. Onesimus and you - from slavery to sonship. There are great pictures of God's grace and salvation in this story!

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Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon!
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Do you know what the last words of Jesus in the Bible are? And do you know that He repeated it three times in Revelation 22? It is something He would want all believers to know, especially in this current day!
Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon! (audio)
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Do you know what the last words of Jesus in the Bible are? And do you know that He repeated it three times in Revelation 22? It is something He would want all believers to know, especially in this current day!
Philippians 1:14-23 For to me to live is Christ (audio)
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In Philippians 1 the Apostle Paul tells us that he is living to magnify Jesus Christ. Can we say with Paul that for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain?
Philippians 1:1-12 Fruitfulness in Isolation
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Paul writes to the saints in Philippi from his isolation in prison to encourage them that God, who began a good work in them, will complete it. He is isolated but fruitful and when God puts us aside, we too can still bear fruit!
Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life
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Would you like to dive into the river of life and eat from the tree of life? Let's explore eternity and the 7-fold perfection of the eternal state as described in Revelation 22.
Isaiah Chapter 43: God will make a way!
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God's ways often go through the sea. Not over, not around, but through. But thank God that He gets us through! Look again at how God makes a way!
Nehemiah 3 Bible Study Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem
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If you have been a Christian long enough you'll know that God likes to hide things. What I mean by that is He likes to hide important truths in places that you wouldn't initially expect to find them... and that is what He has done with the Gates of Jerusalem!
Colossians 1:24-29: Christ in You The Hope of Glory
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What does this phrase, Christ in you the hope of glory. actually mean? Is it relevant for your daily life? This Bible study from Colossians chapter 1 looks at this incredibly important truth!
Elisha's Journey Bible Study - Gilgal Bethel Jericho Jordan
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Have you seen the spiritual meaning in the journey of Elisha from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho and Jordan? They have meaning for the Christian life and your journey. How far do you want to go?
Isaiah 60:1-6 Lesson - Arise and shine in the last days!
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This bible study focuses on the coming of the Lord and the meaning of the Isaiah 60 verse to arise and shine. It looks at the prophetic and personal aspects, needed in these last days.