Who are we?
Why this site?
"Most theologians devote their lives to answering questions most people are not asking."
C.S Lewis
This site exists because we believe that Jesus himself is the center, focus, and key to living the Christian life. It's Jesus plus nothing! Jesus himself is God's revelation to mankind and the entire Bible is written to testify to this fact. Hence, the studies found on this web site have been written with this in mind.
In Luke 24:44-47 Jesus said "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
The entire Bible is a testimony to Him! He is the rock upon which our life and faith is built. Jesus' death and resurrection are the most important events in the history of the world and understanding and living in the full significance of these events is the key to the Christian life. As someone else has said 'Jesus laid his life down for you, to give His life to you, to live His life through you.' This is the good news of the gospel.
So this site is not here to answer questions people are not asking. We believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to our questions and a greater revelation of Him is what mankind needs! There are quite a few studies on this site taken from the Old Testament, but hopefully as you shall soon discover, they also testify to the work and majesty of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Who created the site?
The site was designed and written by Iain Gordon and Brett Wilton. We live in Tauranga, New Zealand.
Yes, the home of hobbits and orcs. Lovely place!
Most of the studies and sermons on this site have come from home group studies or preaching at the Living Waters church. Several audio sermons and some written
studies have been also been added by Fraser Gordon who, along with Iain, spent nearly 20 years on the leadership team at Living Waters.
What's with the site name and what do you believe?
The site name, Jesus plus nothing, was chosen for two primary reasons.
1. It emphasizes the fact that salvation was purchased for humanity by Jesus Christ alone - plus nothing. There is NOTHING that you and I can present to the Lord in
exchange for our salvation and eternal life. The work of salvation was performed by Jesus plus nothing. After coming by faith to humbly
receive this precious gift, we work out that salvation but we don't work for it!
2. The second reason gives the focus of the website - Jesus plus nothing. Ok, there are other topics that get introduced but the overwhelming theme of the site is the person and work of Jesus
Christ : ) and this theme is of course the overwhelming theme of the entire Bible!
Sometimes we get asked if we are 'Jesus Only' believers (also known as 'Oneness Pentecostals'). That would be a big NO to that question.
What we believe can be seen in our Statement of faith here.
Contact Details?
We can be contacted through the following page: Contact us here
Other Common Questions about the site?
We sometimes get asked if the studies can be used for this or that. We have a brief answer on that here.
The short version is 'Yeah, go for it!'
The longer version is 'Argh, um, yeah go for it!'
Another common question involves whether someone can contribute financially to this site/ministry (actually my nose is growing because it isn't common at all!)
In short, no, don't worry about us (though thanks for the kind thought!)...
But we do have a wee request here if you feel to give