Will you make it to Heaven?
Is being good good enough? Try the test and find out...
Q1: Do you ever put other things in your life before God, and fail to love Him with all of your heart, mind and soul? | |
Q2: Do you ever take the Lord's name in vain? (Use God, Jesus, or Christ, as a swear word?) | |
Q3: Do you ever dishonor your parents? (This includes disobedience and failure to submit to their authority over your life.) | |
Q4: Do you ever look and lust after the opposite sex? (Jesus said this was committing adultery in your heart) | |
Q5: Do you get angry without cause or hate others in your heart? (Jesus likened this to murder and said they will be judged.) | |
Q6: Do you ever steal things that belong to someone else? And this includes 'borrowing' things when you have no intention of returning them. | |
Q7: Do you ever lie? (Includes this test as well as when you tell someone you're busy and can't make it... when really you could!) | |
Q8: Do you desire property or possessions that belong to other people? |
queries or comments about salvation or the test? Please contact us here.