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second snippet about the rapture
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Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon!
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Do you know what the last words of Jesus in the Bible are? And do you know that He repeated it three times in Revelation 22? It is something He would want all believers to know, especially in this current day!
Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon! (audio)
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Do you know what the last words of Jesus in the Bible are? And do you know that He repeated it three times in Revelation 22? It is something He would want all believers to know, especially in this current day!
Philippians 1:14-23 For to me to live is Christ (audio)
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In Philippians 1 the Apostle Paul tells us that he is living to magnify Jesus Christ. Can we say with Paul that for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain?
Philippians 1:1-12 Fruitfulness in Isolation
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Paul writes to the saints in Philippi from his isolation in prison to encourage them that God, who began a good work in them, will complete it. He is isolated but fruitful and when God puts us aside, we too can still bear fruit!
Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life
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Would you like to dive into the river of life and eat from the tree of life? Let's explore eternity and the 7-fold perfection of the eternal state as described in Revelation 22.
Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life (audio)
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Would you like to dive into the river of life and eat from the tree of life? Let's explore eternity and the 7-fold perfection of the eternal state as described in Revelation 22.
Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able!
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There is only One who is able. Spoiler alert - it is not you! Jude 24 and 25 gives glory to the One who will present all true believers perfect before the Father with overwhelming joy!
Philippians 1:1-12 Fruitfulness in Isolation (audio)
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Paul writes to the saints in Philippi from his isolation in prison to encourage them that God, who began a good work in them, will complete it. He is isolated but fruitful and when God puts us aside, we too can still bear fruit!
Is physical healing in the atonement? In what way are we healed by his stripes?
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Revelation 21 New Jerusalem: The Glorious Home of the Bride
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This study from Revelation 21 gives us a sneak peek beyond the current world to see what Jesus has planned for the eternal home of His bride. Best of all, its His home too!
Revelation 21 New Jerusalem: The Glorious Home of the Bride (audio)
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This message from Revelation 21 gives us a sneak peek beyond the current world to see what Jesus has planned for the eternal home of His bride. Best of all, its His home too!
Jude 20-23 Believers guide to living in apostate times
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Just as the Bible predicted, we live in difficult times. This Bible study on Jude 20-23 gives light and instruction on what the believer should do to live in such days of apostacy.
Revelation 21: Jesus Makes All Things New
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Who doesn't like new? God does and His plan is to create a new heavens and earth, along with a new home for His new creation. This study will explore the many things to look forward to!
Revelation 21: Jesus Makes All Things New (audio)
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Who doesn't like new? God does and His plan is to create a new heavens and earth, along with a new home for His new creation. This audio message will explore the many things to look forward to!
Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able! (audio)
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There is only One who is able. Spoiler alert - it is not you! Jude 24 and 25 gives glory to the One who will present all true believers perfect before the Father with overwhelming joy!
Can I believe in Jesus while not believing some of the Bible stories?
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Revelation 20 The Great White Throne of Judgment
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Everyone born on this planet will one day stand before their Creator. You want to stand before Jesus as your Savior and not your judge. Revelation 20 focuses on the later with the eternal consequences at the great white throne of judgment.
Revelation 20 The Great White Throne of Judgment (audio)
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Everyone born on this planet will one day stand before their Creator. You want to stand before Jesus as your Savior and not your judge. Revelation 20 focuses on the later with the eternal consequences at the great white throne of judgment.
Jude 14-19: Last day scoffers, grumblers and flatterers
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The Bible predicts scoffers, grumblers, faultfinders and flatterers coming within the church in the last days. How do you spot them and discern the sheep from the wolves?
Jude 20-23: Believers guide to living in apostate times (audio)
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Just as the Bible predicted, we live in difficult times. Jude 20-23 gives light and instruction on what the believer should do to live in such days of apostacy.
What is genuine faith? What if God hasn't chosen me?
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Revelation 20: The imprisonment & 2nd coming of Satan
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The most incredible 1000 years of human history is still to come. It is all summarized in 10 action-packed verses in Revelation 20 and includes the imprisonment, release and 2nd eternal imprisonment of Satan.
Revelation 20: The imprisonment & 2nd coming of Satan (audio)
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The most incredible 1000 years of human history is still to come. It is all summarized in 10 action-packed verses in Revelation 20 and includes the imprisonment, release and 2nd eternal imprisonment of Satan.
Can someone be deceived into thinking they are saved when they're not?
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Revelation 19: The Glorious Return of the King
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Revelation 19 pictures the most monumental dramatic event in all of human history. As the King of kings returns to planet Earth, will the world fall at His feet or seek to kill Him... again?
Revelation 19: The Glorious Return of the King (audio)
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Revelation 19 pictures the most monumental dramatic event in all of human history. As the King of kings returns to planet Earth, will the world fall at His feet or seek to kill Him... again?
Who caused Job's suffering? God, Satan or Job himself?
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Was it God's sovereignty or Job's fear that caused his suffering? What 'good' did God have for Job through this dark time?
Jude 14-19: Last day scoffers, grumblers and flatterers (audio)
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The Bible predicts scoffers, grumblers, faultfinders and flatterers coming within the church in the last days. How do you spot them and discern the sheep from the wolves?
Revelation 19: Hallelujah! The Unveiling of the Queen
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What makes heaven happy and why all the 'heavenly hallelujahs' in Revelation 19? And who is this coming Queen that shall receive honor and glory when the King returns?
Revelation 19: Hallelujah! The Unveiling of the Queen (audio)
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What makes heaven happy and why all the 'heavenly hallelujahs' in Revelation 19? And who is this coming Queen that shall receive honor and glory when the King returns?
Jude 12-13: Selfish Shepherds and Fruitless Trees
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Jude gives vivid descriptions of the apostate teachers. They are sunken rocks, selfish shepherds, rainless clouds and fruitless trees! And that's being nice! Let's explore these false teachers, all too common in the last days.
How does the High Priest's robe point to Jesus' righteousness?
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In what ways do the robes of the High Priest point to Jesus and His righteousness - which He clothes believers in?
Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon: The City the Falls in a Day
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Babylon will fall in one day. Where is this and when does it occur? And what application does it have for the believer today? This message explores Revelation 18.
Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon: The City the Falls in a Day (audio)
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Babylon will fall in one day. Where is this and when does it occur? And what application does it have for the believer today? This message explores Revelation 18.
Is the Church failing, can we change it and other questions
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Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon - The Coming World Religion
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Who is this mystery harlot woman that will ride the beast in the last days? What ties does she have with the tower of Babel and what will be her end? The study explores the coming last day religion.
Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon - The Coming World Religion (audio)
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Who is this mystery harlot woman that will ride the beast in the last days? What ties does she have with the tower of Babel and what will be her end? The study explores the coming last day religion.
How should I live while looking and longing for the Lord's return?
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Was the Apostle Paul a false Apostle, Prophet and Teacher? Nope!
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Bible Study Romans 5:9-10 - The 'Much More' of Salvation
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What is contained within the 'much more' of salvation? And what is God's will and plan for living for you?
Who do believers rule and reign over and are people born in the Messianic Kingdom?
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Jude 12-13: Selfish Shepherds and Fruitless Trees (audio)
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Jude gives vivid descriptions of the apostate teachers. They are sunken rocks, selfish shepherds, rainless clouds and fruitless trees! And that's being nice! Let's explore these false teachers, all too common in the last days.
Revelation 16: The seven bowls of wrath
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The seven bowls of wrath complete the judgment of God, What false spirit will lead the nations to Armageddon? How is this seen today and what can we do to avoid being deceived?
Revelation 16: The seven bowls of wrath (audio)
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The seven bowls of wrath complete the judgment of God, What false spirit will lead the nations to Armageddon? How is this seen today and what can we do to avoid being deceived?
Jude 11: Beware the Rebellion of Korah
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Why does Jude use Korah, who exalted himself against Gods divine will and ordained leadership. as a warning to some within the Church today?
Does the war in Gaza fulfill Bible prophecy?
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Revelation 15: The Song of Victory
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Revelation 15 gives a glimpse of the rejoicing in heaven. What is the song of Moses? What is the song of the Lamb? And how will the perfect wrath of God be completed and 'paid in full'?
Revelation 15: The Song of Victory (audio)
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Revelation 15 gives a glimpse of the rejoicing in heaven. What is the song of Moses? What is the song of the Lamb? And how will the perfect wrath of God be completed and 'paid in full'?