

What do we Believe?
The God-Head
We believe in one God, holy and eternally existent in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
We believe He created everything out of nothing for His own pleasure and purpose.
The Scriptures
We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the original manuscripts are the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.
We believe that the scriptures are the final authority in matters of faith and life, interpreted by the Holy Spirit to each true believer.
We believe that the Scriptures have given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, including not only salvation from the penalty of sin but instruction in righteousness for present sanctification and victorious living to the glory of God.
Jesus Christ
We believe in the full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ who always was and will be God and did not cease to be God at the incarnation.
We believe that the Man Christ Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; that He was born of the virgin Mary; that He possesses both a divine and human nature both distinct and unmixed; that He was without sin; that He died as a substitute for the sin of all mankind; that He was buried; that He arose on the third day in the same but glorified body in which He lived and died; that He ascended to the right hand of God the Father; that by His death He provided atonement for all men, but it is applied only to those who believe.
We believe in the personal, physical, and bodily return of Christ for the Church and for Israel.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit; that He is the infallible author and interpreter of the infallible Word; that He convicts, regenerates, indwells, empowers, instructs, and guides the believer in living, service, and worship through His gifts; that in this age He baptizes and permanently indwells and seals all believers into one body; that His chief purpose is to witness and glorify Christ; that His fullness and power and control are appropriated in the believer's life by faith.
Fallen Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he fell through sin and lost his spiritual life; that he is dead in his trespasses and sins; that this fallen nature is transmitted to every descendent of Adam, with the man Christ Jesus excepted; that man has no spark of divine life and is unchangeable apart from Christ.
We believe that those who, by faith alone and through no merit of their own, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior are miraculously born again of the Holy Spirit and become, as children of God, partakers of His divine nature and of eternal life.
We believe that all true believers once saved are eternally secure forever because of the nature and work of Christ and the very nature of the divine gift of eternal life; that it is the privilege of all who are saved to be assured of their salvation from the very moment that they accept Him as Savior; that this assurance is not based on their own merit, but by the testimony of the Scriptures and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that sanctification is a setting apart unto God and that it is threefold: positional sanctification, in which the believer is viewed by God as already completed "in Christ," being united with Him; progressive sanctification, in which the believer retains his sin nature throughout this life, needs to grow in grace, continually becoming more and more conformed to the image of the Son of God; and ultimate sanctification, in which the believer is fully sanctified in his state as he already is in his position, which will only occur when the believer sees the Lord and will be like Him.
The Church
We believe the Church is the Body and the Bride of Christ, composed of born-again believers from every race and nation.
We believe that Christ will return into the air for the purpose of gathering the Church to Himself both dead and alive; that this event is both imminent and pre-Tribulational; that this is the blessed hope of the Church.
We believe that every biblical promise pertaining to Israel and the Jewish people is eternally valid and will be fulfilled.
After Life
We believe that at death the souls of the redeemed pass immediately into Christ's presence to remain there until the resurrection of the body at Christ's return for the church.
We also believe that at death the souls of the lost go to hell, where they remain until they are brought before Christ at the Great White Throne final judgment to be judged according to their works and cast into the lake of fire.
Things To Come
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the redeemed at the pre-millennial return of Christ for His church, when the souls and spirits of those who have died will be reunited with their bodies, and that believers who are alive at that time will be caught up together with them to meet Christ in the air, ever to be with Him.
We believe in a future 7-year tribulation period (called the Day of the Lord) characterized by the climactic judgments of God being poured out upon the earth.
We believe that this period will culminate in the personal, bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to rescue Israel at Armageddon, destroy the Antichrist and His enemies, and to establish His millennial kingdom.
We believe that He will reign over this earth from David's throne in Jerusalem, and His redeemed will reign with Him In resurrected bodies for 1,000 years.
We believe in the creation of a new Heavens and a new Earth, where righteousness shall dwell, according to the scriptures.