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Audio - The Book of Romans (F Gordon)

The book of Romans is the Apostle Paul's greatest theological work. All the great themes concerning the gospel, righteousness and the grace of God are there! This study series in another semi-transcript from the audio series on Romans
- Romans 1:1-17 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel - published in Audio
- Romans 1:18-20 Men are without excuse: Creation demands a Creator! - published in Audio
- Romans 1:21-32 The wrath of abandonment - The giving over - published in Audio
- Romans 2:1-16 The judgement and reward of God - published in Audio
- Romans 2:17-29 Outward observance or circumcision of the heart? - published in Audio
- Romans 3:9-20 First the bad news - No one is righteous - published in Audio
- Romans 3:21-24 The purpose and place of the law - published in Audio
- Romans 3:24-27 Three important words - Justification, redemption and propitiation - published in Audio
- Romans 4:1 Abraham, Melchizedek and the paths of God - published in Audio
- Romans 4, Gen 15 Abraham's hope against hope - Faith in the resurrection power of God - published in Audio
- Romans 5:1-2 Grace by which we stand (and the tale of two birds) - published in Audio
- Romans 5:3-4 Rejoicing, perseverance and character (in the face of troubling times!) - published in Audio
- Romans 5:6-8 God's Great Love for Us - published in Audio
- Romans 5:9-10 The much more of salvation... The present salvation through His life - published in Audio
- Romans 5:12 The two men, the two seas and the reality of the fall - published in Audio
- Romans 5:17-21 Grace vs Law - The abounding and reigning of Grace! - published in Audio
- Romans 6:1-2 Freedom and the possible abuse of grace - published in Audio
- Romans 6:3-4 Baptism into Christ - what does it mean and what difference does it make? - published in Audio
- Romans 6:6 The death of Agag and the deliverance from the old man... God's way! - published in Audio
- Romans 6:9-11 Reckoning... and the everyday deliverance from the sin machine - published in Audio
- Romans 7:1-6 Freedom from the law and fruit for Christ - published in Audio
- Romans 7:7-14 The law and sin = the lethal combination of the commandments and fallen nature - published in Audio
- Romans 7:15-25 The 'I' problem - the wretched result of your own effort - published in Audio
- Romans 8:1 Zero, Zilch, Zip... NO condemnation for those in Christ! - published in Audio
- Romans 8:2-4 The law of the spirit of life - God is still floating axe heads like you and me! - published in Audio
- Romans 8:6-13 Death, life and peace... On what is your mind set? - published in Audio
- Romans 8:14-17 Adopted as Sons and fellow heirs! - published in Audio
- Romans 8:18-27 Making sense of suffering... The eternal weight of glory! - published in Audio
- Romans 8:28 All things work together for good... But what is 'good'? - published in Audio
- Romans 8:31-39 Who can bring a charge? The wonderful position in Christ! - published in Audio