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Audio - Creation and Evolution (A Gibson)

You didn't evolve... you have been created for a purpose by the most incredible designer - The Lord God. This series explores His wonderful work of creation and how we can learn about God through the things He has made.
- Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created! - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:2-5 - Day 1: Let there be light! - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:6-8 - Day 2: God called the expanse heaven - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:14-19 - Day 4: God makes the great lights - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:16 - Day 4: He made the stars also - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:20-22 - Day 5: The water teem with living creatures - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:20-22 - Day 5: He made the birds of the air - published in Audio
- Genesis 1:26-31, 2:21-25 - Day 6: Creation of mankind - male and female - published in Audio