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Audio - The Week of the Cross (A Kirkby)

From the triumphant entry, to the crucifixion and the glorious resurrection of the Lord. Listen again to that crucial week that dominates all four gospels and the history of the world!
- Palm Sunday - The Triumphant Entry! - published in Audio
- The Feast of the Passover (Part 1) - published in Audio
- The Feast of the Passover (Part 2) - published in Audio
- The Garden of Gethsemane (Part 1) - published in Audio
- The Garden of Gethsemane (Part 2) - published in Audio
- The First Trial of Jesus - published in Audio
- The Trial before Pilate - published in Audio
- The Crucifixion - published in Audio
- The Crucifixion Part 2 - published in Audio
- The Words from the Cross - published in Audio
- The Resurrection! - published in Audio
- On the Road to Emmaus - published in Audio
- Post Resurrection appearance to Peter - published in Audio