Bible Study...
from: https://test.jesusplusnothing.com/series/post/bible-study-philippians-1-fruitfulness-isolation
Php 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
I love this scripture because we can really hang on to it. God started the church in Philippi and Paul is telling the saints to be confident, God will finish it. It is a good work He has started. Many of us need to hang on to this scripture for our own lives. God has started a good work in us, and it's His job and His responsibility to finish what He started. He will complete it.
A famous painter came out with his canvas but he only had a few dabs of paint on it. He said to an onlooker, “this is an absolute masterpiece”. The person looked at it and said, “there's only a few dabs on that canvas”. The painter said, “oh, you're just looking at what's there. I'm looking at the finished product”. An artist can look ahead and see the finished product, whereas someone that doesn't know what they're doing can only see a few dabs of paint on a canvas.
It's a little bit like that with God. He has started a good work in you and He had started a good work in the Philippian Church. It's His responsibility to complete it. You see God works on a person before they are saved then He works in you to conform you into the image of His Son Jesus Christ. One of the greatest examples of this in scripture is the life and character of Jacob. God took someone who was a cheat, a swindler, and a conniver who had incredible human strength in his own abilities. Jacob had many weaknesses but he loved and needed God. He is a great picture of the scripture ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion’. Jacob went through much suffering and trial. Yes God was with him, God blessed him, He looked after him but God also worked on him. At the end of his life after he had faced many things we see that he is a worshipper of God. His reliance on self is diminished and he's in a position where he fully trusts God and worships upon the staff blessing all his children. There's so much you could say about Jacob's life, he's a wonderful character study of this concept.