Are we meant to pray to Jesus or the Father?

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Question / Comment - Who do we pray to? Jesus or the Father?

Hello your site is awesome +++++ Do you have any thing about how we should pray? I am a fairly new Christian and having difficulty of how to pray. Should we pray FATHER GOD , LORD, FATHER IN HEAVEN , I am told not to pray directly to Jesus. So Lord Jesus is not suitable, but some pray Lord Jesus!!!!! Lord I see means master so I am a bit confused.

After praying as a catholic, this is very different but so much more meaningful.


JPN Reply:


thanks for the email and I'm glad you have enjoyed the website.

Concerning praying, Jesus taught us to pray to the Father, in His name. Yet He also said in John 14:14 "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it" - So I wouldn't get to concerned whether you are addressing your prayer to Jesus or to the Father. And it doesn't matter whether you are saying Father God, or Father in Heaven or just simply Father... God looks at your heart! : )

It is important and good to recognise the privilege that we have when we pray 'Father' in that we are now in God's family. There is a Messianic prophecy in Psalm 22 (awesome Psalm that foretold the crucifixion) and near the end of it in verse 22 it says (with Jesus speaking):

"I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you."

So the question is what name of God did Jesus declare to his brothers/brethren? It is the name that He used to show the intimacy of His relationship with God... and that is 'Father'.

After the resurrection, Jesus said to Mary:

"Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

This was the revelation - that we could now be adopted into the family of God and have the privilege of calling the Almighty God 'Father' just as Jesus did throughout His time on earth!

So I mostly pray to the Father (because that reminds me of the relationship I know have with God), in Jesus name (because that reminds me of how it is I can now approach God as Father - because of what Jesus did)... but sometimes I find myself asking the Lord Jesus something... Don't get too hung up on this if you find yourself doing the same. They are equal in the trinity! : )

Other details here may help:

All the best and great to know that you are a fairly new believer. It is a good decision. : )

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